How to Waterproof a Garage: With 6 Important Tips

This article is about how to waterproof a garage. Waterproofing a garage will help protect it from water damage and keep it in good condition for many years. 

How to Waterproof a Garage

We will discuss the different methods used to waterproof a garage, such as applying tanking slurry, using waterproof epoxy, and some tips for protecting your garage. 

Following the steps outlined in this article will help ensure that your garage keeps away from water damage and remains in good condition. 

So let’s get started and learn how to waterproof a garage! 

5 Reasons Why It’s Important to Waterproof a Garage:

1. Keeps Out Moisture: 

Waterproofing a garage helps to keep out moisture, which can cause damage to the structure and contents of the space. Waterproofing is a must if you want to protect your items from humidity, mildew, and rot.

2. Reduces Mold Growth: 

Waterproofing will also reduce the chance of mold growth in the garage. Mold can be dangerous to health if it goes undetected and untreated. Waterproofing will help keep out moisture that could cause mold to grow and spread.

3. Prevents Damage from Leaks: 

Waterproofing a garage will also protect it from leakage damage. When water seeps in through the walls, floors, or ceiling, it can cause structural damage over time. Waterproofing will help prevent this by ensuring water stays out of the garage.

4. Keep Out Pests: 

Roof and wall leaks, such as rodents, birds, and insects, can also allow pests to enter your garage. Waterproofing will help keep these unwanted critters out of the space. Also, if your garage is attached to your house, waterproofing will help prevent pests from entering your home.

Keep Out Pests

5. Helps to Last Longer: 

Waterproofing your garage can also help protect it from the elements and make it last longer. By keeping moisture away, you can prevent wood rot, rust, and other damage from too much water exposure. Waterproofing is an important part of maintaining your garage so that it lasts for years to come. 

6. Increase Home Value: 

Finally, waterproofing a garage can help increase your home’s value. Waterproofing the space will make it more appealing to potential buyers and thus increase the value of your home. Also, if you plan to rent or sell the property, waterproofing your garage can help attract more buyers and renters. 

Now that you understand why waterproofing a garage is important let’s move on to how you should do it. 

Tools & Supplies You’ll Need:

• Caulking gun

• Caulk 

• Silicone sealant 

• Acrylic latex caulk

• Paint roller and paintbrush 

• Trowel or putty knife 

• Masking tape 

• Drop cloths or plastic sheeting 

Choosing the Correct Waterproofing Paint:

When waterproofing a garage, you need to ensure that the paint or sealant you use suits your specific needs.

Choosing the Correct Waterproofing Paint

If it’s an exterior wall, look for paint with an elastomeric coating to better protect against water and UV rays. For interior walls, use a breathable latex or acrylic material that will allow moisture to escape. 

You can use any kind of paint, but make sure it’s designed for waterproofing and has a high rating for durability. You may also want advice from an expert about the best type of paint or sealant for your particular situation. 

How to Waterproof a Garage: Complete Guide

Step 1. Preparing the Work Area:

The first step in waterproofing your garage is to prepare the work area. Clear away any debris, furniture, and items in the way. Make sure that you sweep or vacuum the floor to get rid of any dirt or dust. Remove all electrical outlets and light fixtures from the walls before beginning.

Step 2. Inspect for Any Damage:

Next, inspect your garage for any existing damage. Look for cracks in the walls or floor and repair and note them. Check for any water stains or leaks and make a note of those as well. This is important to do before you begin waterproofing so that you can address any issues first.

Step 3. Apply Sealant to Cracks: 

Next, you must apply a sealant to all cracks in the walls and floors. Make sure that you take your time when doing this to ensure the sealant completely covers the cracks. You can use masonry filler to fill larger cracks and caulk for smaller ones.

Step 4. Apply Waterproof Paint: 

Once the sealant has dried and all cracks have been filled in, you can paint the walls and floor. Use waterproof paint, like latex-based masonry paint, when working on concrete surfaces. Apply the paint with a roller or brush, and cover all surfaces completely. 

Step 5. Painting the Garage Floor:

You can also waterproof the garage floor by applying quality paint or sealant. For best results, apply a two-part epoxy paint for the most durable and waterproof finish. You can also use a concrete sealer if your garage floor is concrete.

Painting the Garage Floor

Step 6. Painting the Garage Walls:

Painting the walls of your garage will also help to waterproof it. Use a latex or acrylic paint specifically designed for masonry surfaces and apply multiple coats if needed. The paint you apply should also be waterproof and UV resistant.

Step 7. Painting Doors and Windows:

If the garage has any doors or windows, apply waterproof paint to them as well. This will help to protect the frame from water damage and keep it looking good for longer. If your garage has any vents, seal them with weatherproofing tape or caulk.

Step 8. Cleaning Up: 

When you are finished painting and waterproofing your garage, make sure to clean up all of the supplies that you have used. This includes wiping down any tools or surfaces that may have been exposed to paint or sealant. Make sure to remove any drop cloths, plastic sheeting, or masking tape you may have used. 

Following these steps will ensure that your garage is completely waterproofed and protected. If done properly, it can help prolong the life of your garage and keep it in good condition. 

Other Alternative Options for Waterproofing a Garage:

Using Crystalline Concrete: 

Crystalline concrete is a low-cost and effective way to waterproof garages. This type of waterproofing is applied directly onto the surface of your garage and creates a barrier against water penetration. It also strengthens the structural integrity of your garage and can help reduce infiltration. 

Using Crystalline Concrete

Using Waterproof Membranes: 

Another option for waterproofing your garage is to apply a waterproof membrane. This system creates an impenetrable barrier between the foundation and walls, protecting against moisture and water infiltration. The membrane is usually made of plastic or asphalt. It gets put in the garage with glue and nails. 

Adding Polypropylene Tiles: 

Polypropylene tiles are also a great option for waterproofing your garage. These tiles are durable plastic and can be installed onto concrete floors. They are against water damage, reduce noise and provide additional insulation to keep the temperature inside your garage more consistent. 

Applying the Tanking Slurry: 

The tanking slurry method is another way to waterproof your garage. A tanking slurry is a cement-based mixture you can apply to the walls and floors of your garage. It helps create a waterproof barrier and prevents any water from seeping into the interior of the building. 

This involves using a special coating that is applied to the surface of your garage and forms an impermeable membrane. The slurry can be applied with a brush or roller and will dry quickly, creating a waterproof barrier against water infiltration. 

Waterproof Epoxy: 

Using waterproof epoxy is also an effective way to waterproof your garage. This epoxy is applied directly onto the surface of your garage and forms a strong bond that prevents any water from seeping into the interior. 

Using Waterproof Epoxy

The epoxy is also great for repairing any existing cracks or gaps in the surface that can let water inside.

This product requires some preparation before application, so follow all instructions carefully before beginning the process.

Once applied, it will provide your garage with years of reliable protection from water and moisture. These are just some of the many options available to waterproof a garage.

Regardless of your chosen method, it is important to ensure you take all the necessary steps to seal and protect your garage properly. This will help keep it in good condition for many years to come. 

Few Tips for Protecting Your Waterproof Garage for Years:

Tip #1. Check for leaks regularly: After waterproofing your garage, it is important to check for any leaks that may have occurred throughout the process. If you find any, make sure to address them and repair them as soon as possible. 

Tip #2. Paint or seal the walls: Painting or sealing your garage walls every few years will help protect them from water damage and keep them looking great. Use a waterproof paint or sealant and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application. 

Tip #3. Invest in good drainage: Good drainage is essential for a waterproof garage. So make sure there are no cracks or holes around your gutters and downspouts where water could escape and cause damage. 

Tip #4. Clean regularly: Regularly cleaning your garage will help keep it in top condition. It will also help to prevent the accumulation of dirt or debris, which can cause water to stagnate around the structure. 

Tip #5. Inspect for cracks: Cracks in the walls, floors, and ceilings are all potential sources of water infiltration. Inspect your garage regularly for any cracks and repair them immediately. 

Tip #6. Upgrade your waterproofing: Over time, the waterproofing materials used in your garage may wear out or become less effective. To ensure maximum protection, upgrading the waterproofing materials every few years is important. 


Waterproofing your garage is an important step in keeping it safe from water damage and helping to extend its lifespan. 

Whether you decide to use plastic sheeting, tanking slurry, or waterproof epoxy, following all the instructions on how to waterproof a garage will ensure the best results. 

Check for leaks and cracks often and clean the garage regularly. Paint or seal the walls every few years and upgrade your waterproofing materials as needed.

Also, watch for any condensation or dampness in the garage to ensure your waterproofing is working properly. 

If you love the information, you can read our blog post How to Waterproof a Garage Wall in 7 Easy & Simple Steps.

We wish you success in your waterproofing project. Thanks! 🙂 

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