How to Make Chalk Paint Waterproof | (7 Best Methods to Try)

You’ve just painted your furniture with chalk paint, but you’re worried that it won’t last. If this is the case, waterproofing your chalk paint can be a great way to protect and extend its life.

How to Make Chalk Paint Waterproof

Chalk paint is a great way to give an old piece of furniture a new look, but water or other liquids can easily ruin it without the right protection.

In this article, we’ll show you how to make chalk paint waterproof so it lasts for years.

We’ll cover everything from what kind of sealer to use and how to apply it properly and some tips on maintaining your newly-protected furniture.

With our help, you can have beautiful and long-lasting chalk paint quickly!

7 Effective Methods on How to Make Chalk Paint Waterproof

Method #1. Using Acrylic Coating:


1. Clean the surface and let it dry completely.

2. Apply a thin layer of acrylic coating to the chalk paint using a foam brush or roller.

3. Let it dry for about 20 minutes or until fully hardened before applying the second coat.

4. Once the second coat is applied, let it dry for 24 hours.

5. If desired, apply a third coat of acrylic coating for maximum protection.

Method #2. Using Latex Sealer:

Using Latex Sealer


1. Prepare the surface by cleaning it and letting it dry completely before proceeding.

2. Apply a thin layer of latex sealer to the chalk paint using a foam brush or roller.

3. Allow it to dry for up to 24 hours before applying another coat if desired.

4. You can also layer multiple coats of latex sealer for added protection.

5. Once all layers are applied and dried, your chalk paint should be protected from wear and tear.

Method #3. Using Polyurethane:


1. Start by preparing the surface with a good cleaning.

2. Apply a thin coat of polyurethane to the chalk paint using either a foam brush or roller.

3. Allow it to dry for 8-10 hours before applying another coat if desired.

4. You can apply multiple coats of polyurethane for a more durable finish.

5. Allow the last coat to dry for 24 hours before using the piece of furniture with chalk paint.

6. Enjoy your newly painted furniture!

Tips: For wood surfaces, you can also consider sealing it with a wax sealant after the polyurethane has dried for an added layer of protection.

Method #4. Using Polycrylic:

Using Polycrylic


1. Prepare the surface by sanding lightly and dusting off any debris.

2. Apply a thin coat of Polycrylic with a clean, soft cloth.

3. Allow the first coat to dry completely before applying a second thin coat.

4. When the piece is completely covered, allow it to dry completely before handling.

5. For extra protection, apply a third coat of Polycrylic.

6. Allow the third coat to dry thoroughly before using or displaying the project.

7. To clean your workspace, use warm water and mild soap.

8. Store any extra Polycrylic in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Method #5. Using Wax Paint:


1. Start by sanding the surface of your project to create a smooth finish.

2. Apply a thin coat of wax paint with a clean, soft paintbrush.

3. Cover the entire surface evenly with a smooth, consistent stroke.

4. Allow the first coat to dry completely before adding another one.

5. Apply a second coat of wax paint as you did for the first.

6. Once the second coat is dry, use sandpaper to sand any areas with small bumps or imperfections lightly.

7. Finally, apply a finish coat of wax paint and wait for it to dry before adding any hardware or decorations.

8. Enjoy your newly painted project!

Method #6. Using Varnish:

Using Varnish


1. Before you start, ensure your project’s surface is clean and free from dust, dirt, or other debris.

2. Apply a thin layer of varnish to the surface with a brush or roller.

3. Allow the varnish to dry completely before adding another coat, which usually takes at least 8 hours.

4. Once the first coat is dry, similarly apply a second layer of varnish.

5. Add a third coat for extra protection and shine if desired.

6. Once all layers of varnish are dry, lightly sand the surface with fine-grit sandpaper to remove any bumps or imperfections.

7. Wipe away any dust particles from sanding with a soft cloth.

8. Finally, apply a finishing coat of wax or polish to protect the varnish and make it shine. Enjoy your freshly varnished surface!

Note: Be sure to follow the instructions of the varnish manufacturer carefully for the best results. Some varnishes may require additional coats or different drying times, so it’s essential to read the instructions carefully.

Method #7. Using Glaze:


1. First, prepare the surface to be glazed by sanding it lightly and wiping away any dust or debris.

2. Apply a base coat of paint to the surface if needed.

3. Measure the glaze for your project and mix it according to the instructions.

4. Apply the glaze to the surface, coating it evenly with a brush or roller.

5. Allow the glaze to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

6. Use a damp cloth or sponge to soften and smooth out the glaze.

7. Once the glaze is dry, apply a top coat of paint or a sealer if desired.

8. Allow the glazed surface to fully dry before using or displaying it.

Read Also: 13 Best Ways to Make Acrylic Paint Waterproof

How to Make Chalk Paint Waterproof on Wood?

Chalk paint is a great way to transform and revive any piece of furniture. It’s easy to apply, dries quickly, and adds a unique distressed look to your pieces.

However, if you want to ensure that your chalk paint is waterproof and long-lasting, here are some steps to make your paint waterproof.

How to Make Chalk Paint Waterproof on Wood

First, apply a sealer such as polyurethane or varnish over the chalk paint. Applying a sealer will help to protect your paint from moisture and weathering.

Make sure you apply several coats of sealer for maximum protection. Second, use a clear coat of wax over the entire piece. This will help to protect your paint further and give it a professional finish.

Use a wax specifically designed for chalk paint and apply it in thin layers, buffing each layer after application.

Finally, if you are painting a piece of furniture exposed to the elements, use an outdoor sealant or varnish. This will help to protect the paint from fading in direct sunlight and provide a watertight finish that can withstand inclement weather.

How Long Will Waterproofed Chalk Paint Last Outside?

The longevity of waterproofed chalk paint used outdoors depends on the environmental conditions it’s exposed to. Generally, a good quality waterproofing sealant lasts 1-3 years in most climates.

However, if the area is more exposed to harsh weather conditions such as extreme sunlight or heavy rain, the paint may last for a shorter time.

It is important to consider your area’s climate before deciding whether waterproofed chalk paint is a good option for your outdoor project.

Applying a fresh coat of waterproofing sealant each year may be beneficial to ensure the optimal longevity of your waterproofed chalk paint job outdoors.

Does Chalk Paint Come Off with Water?

Chalk paint is made to be durable and withstand water, but it does not come off with just water alone. Chalk paint needs to be removed with a solvent such as mineral spirits, rubbing alcohol, or even acetone.

Does Chalk Paint Come Off with Water

If you want to remove chalk paint without harsh chemicals, gently scrub the paint away with a damp cloth or sandpaper.

Be sure to use any abrasive material to avoid damaging the surface beneath the chalk paint. Additionally, you may be able to remove some of the chalk paint by scraping it with a plastic putty knife or a metal wire brush.

If these methods don’t work, you may have to use harsher chemicals to remove the paint. However, take all necessary safety precautions and wear protective gear when using chemicals, which can be hazardous to your health.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is Chalk Paint Waterproof? 

No, most types of chalk paint are not waterproof. However, you can apply a clear sealer to the painted surface to make it water-resistant.

It is best to use a sealer designed explicitly for chalk paint, so it will not alter the natural finish of the paint.

What is the best way to remove Chalk Paint? 

The best way to remove chalk paint is by gently scraping it off with a putty knife or other flat-edged tool. If the paint is too thick, you can use a heat gun to loosen it up so it can be scraped off more easily.

Once the paint is removed, wipe down the surface with a damp cloth to ensure all the remaining residue is gone. It is important to use a gentle approach when removing chalk paint, as harsh scraping or scrubbing can damage the surface beneath it.

Is chalk paint permanent?

Chalk paint is generally permanent, but it can be removed if necessary. Generally, it will adhere well to surfaces and require minimal maintenance.

However, some surfaces may have difficulty bonding with chalk paint and require additional preparation or priming.

Additionally, chalk paint can become discolored or even crack over time due to exposure to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. If properly maintained, chalk paint can last many years without fading or cracking.

To Conclude

With the right supplies and preparation, you can easily achieve stunning results with any of these sealants.

As we’ve seen from this article, there are different methods for sealing chalk paint to protect it from the elements and prolong its life. Different coatings will best suit your needs depending on the material you’re working with.

No matter which method you choose, remember that proper preparation and application are key to achieving the best results.

Now that you have all these tips on how to make chalk paint waterproof, why not start sprucing up your project?

Seal your chalk paint, and you’ll surely create a lasting masterpiece for years. So go ahead and get started!

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