How to Waterproof a Block Foundation From Exterior [6 Ways]

Are you worried about water seeping into your block foundation and causing damage to your home?

If so, waterproofing your block foundation from exterior is an essential step in protecting it from the elements.

How to Waterproof a Block Foundation From Exterior

In this article, we’ll explain how to waterproof a block foundation from exterior – highlighting some of the most effective techniques that you can use to safeguard your investment for years to come.

We’ll discuss topics such as choosing a waterproof coating material, applying sealant around windows and doors, using drainage mats or membranes on walls, applying air and moisture barriers, and more.

So if you want to ensure that your block foundation stays strong for years to come – read on!

6 Common Problems with Concrete Block Foundations:

1. Water Infiltration Around Doors, Windows, and Other Openings:

Improperly sealed openings in concrete block walls can allow water to seep into the foundation and cause damage. If the area around the window or door is not sealed correctly, water may find its way through these points and cause damage to the wall.

2. Poor Drainage Leading to Dampness in Walls:

If the soil surrounding your foundation needs to be properly graded, it can lead to water collecting around the walls.

This can cause dampness and create ideal conditions for mold growth. It is also possible that the water can pool around the foundation and cause damage.

3. Cracks in Walls Due to Structural Shifts or Seismic Activity:

Shifting and settling of the soil beneath your block foundation can lead to cracks in the wall that might let in water and other elements. Additionally, seismic activity, such as earth tremors, can lead to wall cracking.

Cracks in Walls Due to Structural Shifts

4. Poor or Inadequate Waterproofing:

If your block foundation was not adequately waterproofed during construction, it may be vulnerable to water intrusion and damage. The waterproofing material used may have been inferior or applied incorrectly.

5. Deterioration of Mortar Joints:

The mortar that holds your block foundation together can erode over time due to weathering, water infiltration, and other factors.

This can lead to structural weakness and even complete failure of the wall. If this happens, water can seep in and create damage.

6. Crumbling Concrete Blocks:

Concrete blocks, made from a mix of cement, sand, and aggregate, are subject to deterioration over time. This is especially true if the wall needs to be adequately sealed or waterproofed during construction.

As the block weakens, it can crumble, leaving gaps and holes that allow water to enter.

Now that we’ve discussed some common problems with block foundations – let’s look at how you can waterproof them from the exterior.

How to Waterproof a Block Foundation From Exterior: Complete Guide

1. Choose a waterproof coating material

The first step in waterproofing your block foundation is to choose an appropriate coating material. This can be either a paint, sealant, or membrane.

Different materials have different levels of effectiveness – so make sure you research and select the most suitable one for your needs.

2. Apply sealants around windows and doors

The next step is to apply sealants around windows, doors, and other openings.

Apply Sealants Around Windows and Doors

This is important as it helps form a barrier preventing water from entering the foundation through these points. Make sure to use a high-quality sealant for this purpose.

3. Install drainage mats or membranes on walls

Drainage mats or membranes are a great way to protect your foundation from water damage.

These mats or membranes are installed against the wall and act as a barrier for water seeping through the walls. This helps to keep the inside of your block foundation dry.

4. Apply an air and moisture barrier

This is an important step in waterproofing your block foundation. An air and moisture barrier helps to keep water vapor from entering the walls and ceilings of your home, thereby protecting them from damage.

The best way to apply this layer is by using a brush or roller with a high-quality waterproof coating.

5. Installing drain channels

Drain channels are also important for waterproofing your block foundation. These channels help to divert water away from the walls and provide a path for it to be safely discharged from your property.

Ensure the drain channels have an adequate slope and cover them with gravel or other material to protect them from damage. If the drainage is inadequate, it may be necessary to install a sump pump.

6. Cover the outside of your block foundation with waterproof paint

Finally, you can protect your block foundation from water damage by applying a coat of waterproof paint to the outside. This helps to keep water out while adding an attractive finish to the walls.

Cover the Outside With Waterproof Paint

Make sure to use high-quality paint that is specifically designed for exterior applications. These steps will help you keep your block foundation dry and safe from water damage.

Additionally, regularly inspecting the foundation for signs of water intrusion can help to detect any potential problems before they become serious.

With some care and maintenance, your block foundation can remain solid and reliable for years to come!

Some of the Factors to Consider When Waterproofing Block Foundation From Exterior:

Choosing the right waterproof coating materials:

Selecting a water-resistant material that will best suit your needs and requirements is important.

This can include a sealant, membrane, or paint. Different materials have different levels of effectiveness – so make sure you research and select the most suitable one for your needs.

Applying sealant properly:

Sealants are the best way to waterproof block foundations from the exterior. It is important to apply them correctly, as any mistakes can lead to leakages or other issues that may harm your foundation in the long run.

Ensure you follow all instructions carefully when applying sealants, and use a brush or roller for even coverage.

Inspecting the foundation regularly:

Waterproofing your block foundation is only effective if you inspect it regularly to ensure no cracks, holes, or other weaknesses in the material.

This should be done at least once a year, as damage can easily worsen and lead to costly repairs. Also, check for any water or moisture seepage, indicating a need to repair or re-waterproof the area.

Cost associated with excavating and waterproofing:

Excavation is only sometimes necessary for waterproofing your foundation, but it may be a cost-effective option in some cases.

The cost of excavating can vary depending on the size of the project, so make sure to research and compare prices before making any decisions.

Additionally, the overall cost of waterproofing can also depend on the materials used and the complexity of the work.

Maintaining proper drainage:

Proper drainage is essential when waterproofing block foundations from the exterior, as any water that accumulates around your foundation can lead to long-term damage.

Maintaining Proper Drainage

Install a system that will divert water away from your foundation, such as a drainage fabric or French drain. Additionally, check the area regularly to ensure it is functioning properly and not accumulating water.

Consulting with waterproofing professionals:

If you need help with how to waterproof a block foundation from exterior, it is best to consult with professionals who specialize in this field.

They can provide valuable advice and insights into the best materials and techniques to use and help with any questions you may have. This will ensure your project is done correctly and efficiently, resulting in a long-lasting waterproof barrier for your foundation.

Considering some of these factors, you can ensure your block foundation is waterproofed correctly and protected from external damage.

With the right materials and techniques, you can create a durable barrier against water and moisture seepage while keeping your basement dry and safe for years.

Read Also: How to Waterproof a Retaining Wall | (With 6 Bonus Tips)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why do I need to waterproof my block foundation wall? 

Waterproofing a block foundation wall is essential to protect it from damage caused by water and moisture seepage. This can help prevent issues such as cracking, mold or mildew, and other structural damages that can arise from water exposure. If the foundation is left unprotected, it can lead to costly repairs in the long run and even put your home at risk.

Can I waterproof my foundation wall myself?

If you have experience with DIY projects and the right tools, you can waterproof your foundation wall yourself.

However, it is always advisable to seek professional help when dealing with a structural element of your home, such as the foundation wall. Professional waterproofing contractors can assess the condition of the wall and advise on the most effective solution to protect it.

Will I need expensive tools to waterproof my block foundation wall?

No, you don’t necessarily need expensive tools to waterproof your block foundation wall. Depending on the type of waterproofing system chosen, some special materials and techniques may be required.

In most cases, however, a few basic tools are needed for an effective job. If in doubt, consult a professional contractor to get the proper advice and ensure the best results.

Common tools for waterproofing block foundation walls include a trowel, caulking gun, putty knife, scrub brush, bucket, and sponge.

Additionally, you may need to rent or purchase specialized equipment, such as a pressure washer, for cleaning the surface before applying any coating or membrane system.

On a Final Note

Waterproofing your block foundation from the exterior is an important step to ensure it remains dry and safe for years.

By considering factors such as choosing the right waterproof coating materials, applying sealant properly, inspecting the foundation regularly, understanding costs associated with excavating and waterproofing, and consulting professionals when needed – you can protect your exterior block foundation from water damage while keeping costs low.

With these tips in mind on how to waterproof a block foundation from exterior, you can start protecting your home and keep it safe from water damage. Good luck!

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