How to Wash a Waterproof Bed Cover: 7 Effective Methods

Keeping your waterproof bed cover clean is crucial for hygiene and maintaining its protective qualities. However, washing these covers can pose a challenge.

The waterproof material requires specific care to prevent damage and keep it functioning.

How to Wash a Waterproof Bed Cover

Unintentionally, many users damage their waterproof bed covers during the cleaning process, decreasing their protective qualities.

This guide will cover a few methods on how to wash a waterproof bed cover, ensuring longevity and continued protection for your mattress. So keep reading, and let’s get started.

7 Effective Methods to Wash a Waterproof Bed Cover

Method 1. Pre-treatment:

Pre-treat the bed cover with a gentle stain remover if it has visible stains.

Apply the cleaner directly onto the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before washing. If your bed cover is heavily soiled, use a heavy-duty detergent to pre-treat the fabric.

Method 2. Select a gentle detergent:

Choose a mild liquid detergent designed for waterproof fabric or delicate items. This will help ensure that your bed cover does not become brittle or discolored due to harsh chemicals in the washing machine.

Select a gentle detergent

Method 3. Select the appropriate water temperature:

Choose to wash your bed cover in cold water unless you have a fabric resistant to hot temperatures.

This will help protect any waterproof coatings on the fabric’s surface and improve its longevity. Use cold if any materials in your bed cover are not resistant to hot water.

Method 4. Check the seams for any damage:

Before washing your bed cover, inspect the seams for any signs of damage. If you notice any loose threads, repair them before washing them.

If you think the seams are severely damaged, it is best to replace the bed cover instead of attempting a repair.

Method 5. Use a gentle cycle:

Set your washing machine on a gentle cycle and use a low spin speed to keep the waterproof fabric from bunching up in the washer or becoming damaged while spinning.

Set it for a short cycle, as running it on the longest setting could damage your bed cover.

Method 6. Hang dry the cover:

Once the cycle has finished, hang the bed cover outside on a clothesline and let it dry in the sun.

Hang dry the cover

This will help ensure that any waterproof coatings do not become damaged by heat from the drying cycle of your washing machine.

It’s best to avoid using a dryer as this could potentially damage or discolor the fabric, depending on its material and construction.

Method 7. Use hydrogen peroxide:

Try hydrogen peroxide if you have stubborn stains that won’t come out with normal detergent. Dilute the hydrogen peroxide solution with water and apply it directly to the stain.

Once applied, let it sit for 10-15 minutes before washing as usual. This should help remove tough stains from your bed cover without damaging the waterproof coating.

Tips for Maintaining a Waterproof Bed Cover

  1. Always use a mild detergent, such as a dishwashing liquid or fabric softener, when cleaning your bed cover. This will help preserve the waterproof qualities of the material and improve its longevity.
  2. Avoid using bleach when washing your bed cover, which can damage the waterproof coating and reduce its lifespan.
  3. Regularly inspect the seams on your bed cover for any signs of damage or loose threads, and then as soon as possible.
  4. Do not put your waterproof bed cover in there, as this could cause it to become brittle or discolored due to heat exposure.
  5. Hang the bed cover outside in the sun for the best results. This will help remove any moisture trapped in the material and ensure it is completely dry before being stored away.
  6. Store your bed cover in a cool, dry place when not in use. This will help preserve its waterproof qualities and reduce the risk of damage.
  7. To prolong the life of your bed cover, consider spot-cleaning any visible stains with an appropriate cleaner and up with a gentle hand wash. This will help ensure that dirt or grime does not build up on the fabric over time.

Getting Rid of Tough Stains from Your Bed Cover

Pre-treat the stain:

If you have a tough stain on your bed cover, pre-treat it with an appropriate cleaner. If the stain is oil-based, use a degreasing detergent to break down the oils.

Pre-treat the stain

Use a gentle enzyme cleaning agent for organic stains such as food or drink spills. Apply the cleaner directly onto the stain and let it sit for at least 10 minutes before washing.

Soak the fabric:

Fill a bucket or sink with lukewarm water and add a mild detergent. Once mixed, submerge the bed cover into the solution and let it soak for at least an hour.

This will help loosen stubborn stains and dirt in the fabric’s fibers.

Scrub the fabric:

Once the bed cover is soaked, gently agitate the fabric with a soft scrub brush. Be sure not to use too much pressure, as this could damage the waterproof layer on the surface of your bed cover.

Move in small, circular motions and focus on areas with visible stains or dirt buildup.

Rinse the fabric:

When you’re finished scrubbing, rinse the bed cover with cold water. Repeat this step several times to ensure all the soap and cleaner have been removed from the fabric.

Once rinsed, hang your bed cover outside on a clothesline or in a dry area indoors to let it air-dry completely.

The above steps should help you keep your waterproof bed cover looking new for years. With proper maintenance and regular cleaning, you can ensure that your bed cover stays in prime condition!

How Often Should You Clean A Waterproof Bed Cover?

It is recommended to clean your waterproof bed cover at least once every two months. This will help ensure that any dirt or grime buildup does not damage the material and reduce its life span.

How Often Should You Clean A Waterproof Bed Cover

If you live in a particularly dusty environment, this frequency should be increased to once a month.

Additionally, if you have pets or children who often use your bed, it is a good idea to clean your bed cover more often. This will ensure that any pet hair or dirt is removed and help reduce the risk of allergies in your home.

Finally, if you notice any visible stains or discoloration on your bed cover, thoroughly clean it as soon as possible. If left untreated, these stains can become difficult to remove and may damage your bed cover.

Also, be sure to check the seams for any signs of wear and tear, as these can weaken the waterproof capabilities of your bed cover over time.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I wash a mattress protector labeled as waterproof?

Yes, you can wash a mattress protector labeled as waterproof. However, it is important to read the product’s label for instructions on how to clean and care for your mattress protector.

Depending on the material, some may require a gentle hand or machine wash on a gentle cycle. Also, avoid using bleach or harsh detergents when cleaning your mattress protector.

These may damage the waterproof coating or discolor the fabric. It is also best to air dry your mattress protector in the sun for a few hours after washing to ensure any moisture is completely removed.

Does a waterproof bed cover become unusable if it develops mold?

No, a waterproof bed cover does not become unusable if it develops mold.

However, it is important to act quickly as soon as you notice the mold to prevent it from spreading further and damaging the fabric of your bed cover.

Clean the area with an appropriate cleaner or disinfectant to remove the mold. Then, rinse off any excess cleaner and let the bed cover dry completely in the sun for a few hours.

You can repeat this process several times to ensure the mold is completely removed from your bed cover. Once finished, store your bed cover in a cool, dry place when not in use to prevent future mold growth.

Can you put a bed cover in the washing machine?

Yes, you can put a bed cover in the washing machine. However, you should always check the care label and make sure that it is safe to do so.

It’s important to remember that some materials are too delicate for a machine wash and may need to be hand-washed instead.

Additionally, if you’re washing more than one item in the same laundry load, ensure they can all be washed together. Different fabrics have different washing needs and should not be mixed in the same load.

To get the best results, use a gentle cycle with cold water and add detergent according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

To Conclude

The seven methods discussed here are effective ways to wash a waterproof bed cover. With regular use of these tips, your bed cover should remain in good condition for many years.

Also, please read the care instructions that came with your product before washing it to ensure that you maintain it properly.

Following the above tips and cleaning your waterproof bed cover, you can keep it in prime condition for years!

So don’t hesitate—give your bed cover a good clean today and enjoy the comfort of a waterproof bed cover for many years!

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