How to Protect Outdoor Plugs From Rain [8 Affordable Ways]

Hey there, fellow outdoor enthusiasts! When it comes to enjoying your backyard or patio, we often forget about our outdoor electrical plugs.

But they need some attention too! Especially when it starts raining cats and dogs.

How to Protect Outdoor Plugs From Rain

Yes, you guessed it right, protecting our outdoor plugs from rain is super important. If not, it can get seriously risky.

Unprotected plugs can lead to electrical shocks and even electrical fires. And we definitely don’t want that to happen.

So, let’s dive right in and learn how to protect outdoor plugs from rain.

Why Protecting Outdoor Plugs from Rain is Important?

Protecting outdoor plugs from rain is crucial to ensure the safety and longevity of our electrical devices.

When water enters an electrical plug, it can create a short circuit. This happens when the electrical current takes an unplanned path, resulting in a sudden surge of electricity.

Short circuits can cause severe damage to your electrical appliances and may even result in electrical fires.

In addition, there’s a risk of electrical shock when water comes into contact with electricity. This can be life-threatening, particularly in outdoor environments where the ground may also be wet.

Therefore, to avoid such consequences, it is so important that we take measures to protect our outdoor plugs from rain. By doing so, we can safely enjoy our outdoor spaces regardless of the weather conditions.

8 Ways to Protect Outdoor Plugs From Rain

1. Using Weatherproof Cord Cover:

Weatherproof cord covers are designed to protect plugs and cords from harsh weather conditions.

Using Weatherproof Cord Cover

They’re easy to install, durable, and offer excellent protection against rain and moisture. If your plug isn’t already covered, simply slide one of these covers over it, and you’re good to go!

2. Using Bottle Method:

This method involves cutting a plastic bottle in half, inserting the plug inside, and securing the bottle with duct tape.

It’s a cost-effective and practical method. If you want to try it, make sure to use the appropriate type of plastic bottle.

3. Using Cling Wrap:

Cling wrap can be used as a temporary solution to protect plugs from light rain showers.

However, it’s unsuitable for heavy rains or long-term use as it isn’t durable and may not provide complete protection.

4. Using PVC Pipes and End-Caps:

This is a more permanent solution that offers high-level protection. The PVC pipes house the cords, and the end caps ensure a complete seal from rain and moisture.

Using PVC Pipes and End-Caps

If your plugs are close to each other, you can use a single PVC pipe with multiple end caps. Also, if the PVC pipes are placed under the ground, they can offer additional protection from direct physical contact.

5. Using Power Cord Shield:

Power cord shields are commercially available products that enclose plugs and cords, protecting them from water, dust, and debris.

This solution is easy to install and operate, offering excellent protection for outdoor plugs.

6. Wrapping up the Extension Cord:

Wrapping an extension cord with high-quality waterproof tape can help protect it from water. However, this temporary solution should not be used as a long-term fix.

If your plug still needs to be enclosed in a waterproof cover, it’s best to use one of the methods mentioned above.

7. Using Pool Noodle:

A pool noodle can be cut open lengthwise and used to house the cords. Its waterproof exterior helps protect the cords from water and other external elements.

Using Pool Noodle

To use a pool noodle, first, you need to cut it open and then secure the electrical wire inside it. Use waterproof adhesive and duct tape to secure the wires in place.

8. Using Heavy-Duty Cord Protector:

Heavy-duty cord protectors withstand extreme weather conditions and offer the utmost protection for outdoor plugs.

They are a reliable and durable solution for long-term use. If you are in an area where heavy rains and snowfall are common, these heavy-duty cord protectors are worth it.

Additional Tips for Rainy Weather

  • When it’s raining, it’s best to keep all of your electrical appliances and cords away from any water sources.
  • If you have to use an outdoor outlet, ensure no puddles or wet surfaces are nearby.
  • When using a surge protector, it’s important to ensure that its casing is waterproof.
  • Avoid unplugging or plugging electrical cords while wet, as this could cause a short circuit.
  • Always ensure that you are wearing protective gear such as rubber gloves or boots when handling electrical cords.
  • Inspect your outdoor plug regularly to make sure it is still in good condition and not damaged by rain or moisture.
  • You can use uncooked rice to absorb the moisture from any wet electrical cords or plugs.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure the safety of your outdoor plugs and enjoy a worry-free experience outdoors!

Few Safety Precautions and Advice:

Few Safety Precautions and Advice
  1. Never step on a wet plug or cord – this is extremely dangerous and can result in an electrical shock.
  2. Never use a wet appliance, even if it looks dry. This could lead to serious injury or even death.
  3. Always unplug your appliances before leaving them outdoors for an extended period, as they may be exposed to water and moisture.
  4. If you need more clarification about the safety of an electrical outlet, it’s best to have a qualified electrician inspect it before use.
  5. Always keep your eyes open and be aware of potential hazards when dealing with electricity outdoors.
  6. Try to stay updated about the weather conditions and plan accordingly. If you know it’s going to rain, move your electrical appliances indoors before getting caught in the storm.

It is important to understand that electricity and water don’t mix! These precautions will help you stay safe and protect your outdoor plugs from rain.

Roles of GFCI Outlet in Rainy Weather:

A GFCI outlet is a device outlet that helps prevent electric shocks and surges. It senses electricity and shuts off the power if it detects something wrong.

This type of outlet is best for outdoor areas, especially when it is raining.

Besides, GFCI outlets help keep you safe and also protect your electronics from damage caused by moisture.

GFCI Outlet in Rainy Weather

When it rains, check the outlet to ensure it is still working properly and hasn’t gotten wet.

Installing a GFCI outlet can be a good idea if you want extra protection for rainy days. It is important to have an experienced electrician install the GFCI outlet.

If it is not installed correctly, it can lead to severe electrical danger.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it safe to tape a plug into an outlet?

No, it is not safe to tape a plug into an outlet. It’s possible for the taping to cause wires to become exposed and create a risk of electrical shock or fire.

It’s also important to note that taping will only sometimes protect your stuff from rain or other weather. It isn’t a permanent solution and may not protect against rain or other elements completely.

How do I protect my outdoor outlet from rain?

The best way to protect an outdoor outlet from rain is by using a weatherproof cord cover or power cord shield. These solutions are designed to be durable and offer excellent protection against moisture and water.

How do you keep electrical plugs dry outside?

To keep electrical plugs dry outside, you should use a special cover made for the weather. You can also use PVC pipes and end-caps, cling wrap, or waterproof tape to wrap up the extension cord.

Additionally, keep your eyes open when using electricity outside. Always unplug electrical appliances when you are not using them outside.


Protecting outdoor plugs from rain is important to avoid life-threatening situations. There are various methods to safeguard your outdoor plugs from rain.

Such as using weatherproof cord covers, bottle method, cling wrap, etc.

Whether you opt for a DIY solution or invest in professional-grade products, ensure your outdoor plugs are safe and secure.

We hope this article has given you all the information you need to protect outdoor plugs from rain!

So now it’s your turn to go out and make your outdoor plugs properly sealed this upcoming rainy season!

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