How to Waterproof Styrofoam

Styrofoam is a lightweight and versatile material that can be used to create many useful items, from model boats to insulation for your home.

However, it is not naturally waterproof and must be treated with a sealant or coating before it can withstand moisture.

How to Waterproof Styrofoam

In this guide, you’ll learn how to waterproof Styrofoam so you can use it in any application without worrying about water damage.

We’ll cover the supplies needed for the job, different techniques for applying a protective layer of sealant, tips on painting or coloring the Styrofoam, and other helpful advice for keeping your project safe from water and other elements that could cause deterioration. So let’s get started!

Can Styrofoam Be Made Waterproof?

Yes, Styrofoam can be made waterproof with the use of a sealant or coating. There are several products available on the market specifically designed for this purpose, and they will provide a protective layer that will keep water away from your Styrofoam project.

Applying the sealant is relatively easy and requires minimal preparation. You can use common sealants like silicone, latex, or epoxy to waterproof your Styrofoam.

It only takes a few minutes to apply and dry, so you can get back to your project quickly. There are also waterproofing sprays available that provide an easier application and are great for larger projects.

When waterproofing your styrofoam, it’s important to apply the sealant evenly across the entire surface of the material. If you miss any spots, water will be able to seep in and damage your project.

Types of Styrofoam and Their Usage

Before waterproofing your Styrofoam project, it’s important to understand the different types of styrofoam and their uses. There are mainly two types of Styrofoam:

Types of Styrofoam and Their Usage

1. Expanded polystyrene foam (EPS): EPS is typically used for insulation in buildings and for packaging materials. This is typically the type of styrofoam you’ll find in most craft stores. It can be used to create lightweight models and sculptures.

2. Extruded polystyrene foam (XPS): XPS is a higher-density version of EPS and is used more often in construction projects like roofing, flooring, walls, and basement foundations. This type of styrofoam is more durable than EPS and can be used in more demanding applications.

7 Different Methods on How to Waterproof Styrofoam:

1. Using a Polyurethane Coating:

A polyurethane coating is one of the most popular and effective ways to waterproof Styrofoam. This type of coating provides a strong barrier against water and other elements that could cause damage.

Applying the coating can be done with a paintbrush or roller and requires only two coats for optimal results.

2. Using an Acrylic Coating:

An acrylic coating is another great option for waterproofing Styrofoam. This type of coating will provide a strong layer of protection against water and other elements. Applying an acrylic coating requires fewer coats than a polyurethane one, but it can take longer to dry.

3. Using Liquid Latex:

Liquid latex is a popular choice for waterproofing Styrofoam. It provides a strong, yet flexible layer of protection against water and other elements.

Applying the liquid latex requires fewer coats than with a polyurethane or acrylic coating, and it dries quickly. When using liquid latex, make sure you wear protective gloves and a mask to avoid inhaling the fumes.

4. Using Epoxy Resin:

Epoxy resin is a great choice for waterproofing Styrofoam. This type of waterproofing material will provide a strong and durable layer of protection against water and other elements.

Applying epoxy resin requires more coats than with the other methods, but it will create a stronger barrier against water damage. Make sure to wear protective gloves when applying the epoxy resin.

5. Applying Polyurethane Resin:

Polyurethane resin can help you waterproof Styrofoam and provide a strong protective layer. Applying this type of resin requires more coats than with other methods, but it will create an even stronger barrier against water damage.

Applying Polyurethane Resin

If you’re using styrofoam for a craft project or decoration, you can also add color to the resin for a unique and colorful look.

6. Using Silicone Sealant:

Silicone sealant is another great option for waterproofing Styrofoam. It provides a strong layer of protection against water damage and won’t require many coats to be effective.

The silicone will dry quickly, making it great for projects that require a fast turnaround. When applying silicone sealant, make sure you wear protective gloves and a mask to avoid inhaling the fumes.

7. Using Waterproofing Sealant:

A waterproofing sealant is a great option for waterproofing Styrofoam and creating a strong barrier against water damage.

This type of waterproof material requires fewer coats than other methods, but it will provide superior protection against water and other elements. When applying the sealant, make sure to use even strokes and cover the entire surface of the Styrofoam.

These are some of the best methods for waterproofing Styrofoam and protecting it from water damage. Whatever type of project you’re working on, make sure to use the right materials and techniques so that your Styrofoam will stay safe and dry.

Supplies Needed to Waterproof Styrofoam

Before you begin waterproofing your styrofoam project, make sure you have the necessary supplies on hand. These include:

  • A sealant or coating designed specifically for styrofoam.
  • A brush, roller, or sprayer to apply the sealant/coating
  • Drop cloths or newspapers to protect your workspace
  • Sandpaper (optional) if you plan to paint or color the Styrofoam
  • Gloves and safety glasses for protection

8 Simple Steps on How to Waterproof Styrofoam

Step 1: Cover the workspace with a drop cloth or newspaper.

Before you start working, make sure to cover your workspace with a drop cloth or newspaper. This will help protect the surface from any spills or excess sealant. Make sure that, the surface is free from dust and debris.

Cover the workspace with a drop cloth or newspaper

Step 2: Sand the styrofoam down with sandpaper.

If you plan to paint or color the styrofoam, use medium-grit sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges or bumps in the material. This will help create a smoother surface for the sealant to adhere to.

Step 3: Apply a thin layer of sealant or coating.

Using a brush, roller, or sprayer, apply a thin layer of sealant or coating over the entire surface of the styrofoam. Make sure that you use even strokes and cover the entire area. Allow the sealant to dry completely before applying another layer.

Step 4: Apply additional layers of sealant if needed.

Depending on the type of sealant or coating you are using, you may need to apply multiple coats for maximum waterproofing protection.

Make sure to allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next one. If the sealant or coating recommends a certain number of coats, make sure to follow the instructions.

Step 5: Paint or color the styrofoam if desired.

Once the last layer of sealant has dried, you can add color and texture to your project by painting or coloring the Styrofoam. Use acrylic paints in the color of your choice and apply with a brush or roller. If the paint is too thick, you can add a few drops of water to thin it out.

Step 6: Let the styrofoam dry completely before use.

Once all layers of sealant and painting are complete, make sure to let your project dry completely before using it. This will help ensure that the waterproofing material is completely set and secure. Also, make sure that the material is completely cool before handling.

Let the styrofoam dry completely before use

Step 7: Enjoy your waterproofed styrofoam project!

You can now enjoy your waterproofed styrofoam project! Make sure to take proper care of it and store it in a dry place to ensure that the sealant and paint will last for years to come.

If the styrofoam starts to show signs of wear or water damage, you may need to apply additional sealant or paint.

Step 8: Clean up your workspace.

When you’re done with your project, make sure to clean up the workspace and dispose of any leftover materials properly. This will help keep your workspace safe and tidy.

If your styrofoam project needs to be transported or stored, make sure to wrap it in a waterproof material such as plastic.

Following these steps should help you protect your styrofoam project from water damage and extend its life. Remember, it’s important to use the right materials and techniques so that the waterproof layer will be effective.

With proper care and maintenance, your styrofoam project should stay safe and dry for years to come!

Tips for Painting or Coloring Your Waterproof Styrofoam:

1. When painting or coloring your styrofoam, make sure to use non-toxic materials that won’t harm the environment.

2. Before you start painting, sand down any rough edges or bumps in the material to create a smooth surface for the paint to stick to.

3. Apply thin layers of paint and allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next one.

4. If the paint is too thick, you can thin it out with a few drops of water.

5. Once you’re finished with your project, make sure to clean up your workspace and properly dispose of any leftover materials.

6. Wrap your styrofoam project in a waterproof material such as plastic before storing or transporting it.

7. Make sure to take proper care of your styrofoam project and store it in a dry place for maximum protection from water damage.

By following these tips, you should be able to successfully waterproof and paint or color your styrofoam project.

Other Helpful Advice for Keeping Styrofoam Safe from Deterioration in the Future:

Keeping Styrofoam Safe from Deterioration

1. Make sure to keep styrofoam away from excessive heat, moisture or direct sunlight.

2. Clean styrofoam regularly with a mild detergent and warm water to remove dirt and dust buildup.

3. Always store styrofoam in a cool, dry place and wrap it in plastic before transporting it.

4. If your styrofoam project is exposed to extreme weather conditions, make sure to apply additional sealant or paint as needed.

5. Avoid contact with sharp objects that may puncture the Styrofoam material.

6. If possible, use a protective covering over your styrofoam projects such as a tarp or plastic sheeting to protect from damage.

7. Try not to move or handle styrofoam too frequently and be gentle while doing so.

8. If your project needs to be cut, use a sharp utility knife or hotwire cutter instead of scissors which can easily tear the material.


Waterproofing styrofoam is an important step in protecting your project from water damage. There are several methods available for waterproofing styrofoam, and following these steps should help you successfully waterproof your styrofoam project.

Additionally, painting or coloring your styrofoam can be a fun activity and also add an extra layer of protection against water damage.

Remember to take proper care of your styrofoam by keeping it away from excessive heat, moisture, or direct sunlight, cleaning it regularly, and storing it in a cool, dry place.

Following these tips on how to waterproof styrofoam should help you keep your styrofoam project safe from deterioration for years to come. Good luck!

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